Wellness Through Science: A Deep Dive into Supplements That Truly Aid Weight Management

Health is often equated with physical appearance, however, Dr Tam champions a more enlightened approach to weight management. Consider it a journey that transcends the simplistic goal of weight loss, delving into a holistic understanding of the body's needs and responses.

This article focuses on that philosophy, looking at evidence-based supplements, each with a role to play in a balanced approach to weight management.

The Holistic Approach

Rooted in the principles of functional medicine, Dr Tam advocates a lifestyle-first approach. It's a perspective that considers the complex interplay of diet, exercise, mental well-being, and supplementary support. In this context, supplements are not quick fixes but remain an integral part of holistic health.


A nuanced derivative of DHEA, 7 KETO sets itself apart by not converting it into sex hormones. This characteristic makes it a key supplement in weight management.

Metabolism Boost: It amplifies the activity of enzymes involved in fat burning, contributing to a more active metabolic rate.

Thyroid Function: By potentially increasing thyroid hormone levels, it accelerates the body's metabolic processes - an essential factor in weight management.

Cortisol Reduction: Given its potential to lower stress-induced cortisol, it plays a role in targeting abdominal fat, notoriously linked to stress.

Muscle Preservation: A critical aspect of healthy weight management is maintaining muscle mass, and 7 KETO contributes to this by aiding in fat reduction while safeguarding muscle tissue.

Dosage and Personal Insights: Drawing from Dr Tam's decade-long experience with this supplement, it's evident that effects can be observed even at lower dosages like 25mg. However, individual responses can vary, particularly at higher dosages which may impact sleep patterns - a crucial aspect of overall well-being and weight management.

Ketone Esters

These supplements are a breakthrough, especially in the context of a ketogenic lifestyle, by artificially elevating ketone levels in the blood, thereby mirroring the state of ketosis.

Appetite Suppression: They play a role in modulating hunger hormone levels, which in turn can lead to reduced caloric intake.

Fat Burning Enhancement: By elevating ketone levels, they shift the body’s energy reliance from carbohydrates to stored fat.

Metabolic Efficiency: Ketones are a more efficient energy source than glucose, which can lead to an increased caloric burn, especially during physical activities.

Blood Sugar Stabilisation: This benefit is crucial in managing cravings and reducing the propensity to overeat, particularly with high-carbohydrate and sugary foods.

Sustained Energy: Unlike the quick spikes and crashes associated with glucose-based energy, ketone esters provide a more stable and enduring energy source.

Personal Experience: As an athlete, Dr Tam experienced first-hand the endurance and cognitive benefits of ketone esters, marking them as not just weight management supplements but also as enhancers of overall physical and mental performance.


MCT Oil, or Medium-Chain Triglycerides, is a potent supplement that has gained popularity for its multifaceted benefits in weight management.

Promoting Satiety: One of the key challenges in weight management is controlling hunger. MCT Oil addresses this by stimulating the release of hormones like peptide YY and leptin, which are known to induce feelings of fullness.

Thermogenic Effect: MCTs can enhance the body’s ability to burn calories and fat, a process known as thermogenesis, a vital component in accelerating weight loss.

Energy Source: Due to their shorter chain length, MCTs are rapidly absorbed and metabolised, making them a quick and efficient energy source, especially beneficial in enhancing exercise performance.

Ketosis Support: For those following a ketogenic diet, MCT Oil can be a valuable tool in maintaining ketosis, the state where the body predominantly burns fat for energy.

Fat Conversion Efficiency: MCTs may facilitate a more efficient conversion of fat to energy, potentially reducing the body’s tendency to store fat.

Practical Tips from Dr Tam: Dr Tam incorporates MCT Oil into her daily routine, blending it with almond milk and water in her morning coffee. This not only enhances the flavour but also aligns with her holistic approach to health and fitness.

L Carnitine

L Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid that plays a crucial role in the body’s energy production, particularly in fat metabolism.

Fat Metabolism: It transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells, where they are oxidised for energy, making it a key component in weight management.

Muscle Recovery: Post-exercise recovery is vital in any fitness regimen. L Carnitine aids this process by improving blood flow and hormonal responses, thereby enhancing recovery and reducing muscle soreness.

Versatile Use: Available in various forms, including oral supplements and intramuscular injections, it offers flexibility in application, especially for athletes and individuals managing conditions like Long Covid.

Dosage and Synergy: Dr Tam advises a dosage range of 500 to 2000 mg per day. She also suggests combining it with a fatty coffee to enhance its effects, reflecting her emphasis on integrated approaches to health.

Natural Stimulants

The role of natural stimulants in weight management extends beyond mere energy boosts; they contribute significantly to metabolic activity and mood regulation.

Tyrosine and Green Tea Extract: These stimulate the metabolism and improve physical performance, leading to increased calorie burn. Green tea extract, in particular, contains caffeine and catechins like EGCG, which are believed to enhance fat-burning and support thermogenesis.

Rhodiola: Known for its adaptogenic properties, Rhodiola not only aids in stress management, a common contributor to weight gain, but also modulates neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, crucial for mood regulation and making healthier lifestyle choices.

Synergistic Blends: Dr Tam uses supplements like Adrenotone from Designs for Health, which contain these natural stimulants, supporting her long-term approach to adrenal health and holistic well-being.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, play a significant role in overall metabolic health and weight management.

Insulin Sensitivity: They are known to improve insulin sensitivity, which is crucial in managing body weight and preventing metabolic disorders.

Inflammation Reduction: Chronic inflammation can be a barrier to effective weight management. Omega-3s help in reducing inflammation, thus supporting the body’s natural weight regulation mechanisms.

Heart Health: Beyond weight management, these fatty acids are essential for heart health, reducing the risk of heart attacks and improving cholesterol profiles.

Supplementation Insights: Dr Tam emphasises the importance of high-quality fish oil supplements, with a daily intake of 1-3 grams of high EPA fish oil. She also highlights the difference in bioavailability between fish-based and plant-based omega sources, underlining the need for higher doses in vegan alternatives.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or NAD+, is a lesser-known yet vital molecule in the realm of metabolic health and weight management.

Cellular Energy Production: NAD+ plays a critical role in cellular respiration, the process by which cells produce energy. It's a coenzyme found in all living cells and is fundamental for converting food into energy.

Healthy Ageing and Metabolism: NAD+ is also involved in various processes that are crucial for healthy ageing, including DNA repair and sirtuin activation. Its levels naturally decline with age, stress, and illness, which can impact metabolic health.

Supporting Liver Function: NAD+ has a significant role in liver lipid metabolism, which is essential for managing body weight and preventing metabolic syndromes.

Supplementation Strategy: Dr Tam recommends supplements that boost NAD+ levels naturally with precursors. She particularly endorses the 'NAD region' from BioStack Labs, emphasising the importance of choosing high-quality supplements for optimum results.

Fibre Supplements

While often overlooked, fibre plays a pivotal role in digestive health, satiety, and consequently, weight management.

Types of Fibre Supplements: The market offers various types of fibre supplements, each with unique properties. Psyllium Husk is known for increasing fullness and aiding digestion, Glucomannan absorbs water and promotes fullness, Inulin is a prebiotic that supports gut health, Acacia Fibre helps regulate blood sugar, and Wheat Dextrin is a soluble fibre that mixes easily with foods and drinks.

Digestive Health and Satiety: Fibre supplements aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system, which is fundamental for weight management. They also play a role in controlling appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness, thus helping reduce overall calorie intake.

Usage and Hydration: Dr Tam underscores the importance of gradually incorporating fibre into the diet and maintaining adequate hydration. This approach ensures maximising the benefits of fibre supplements while minimising potential digestive discomfort.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding and utilising these supplements can be a game-changer in your weight management journey. However, it's paramount to remember that these supplements are most effective when used as part of a balanced diet and holistic lifestyle approach.

Dr Tam always emphasises the importance of integrating supplements with healthy diet choices, regular exercise, restorative sleep, and mental well-being practices.

Before incorporating any new supplement into your regimen, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications. Remember, each individual’s journey towards health and wellness is unique, and what works for one may not work for another.


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